If you're worried about passing your upcoming army tape test, or if you'd like to use this army body fat calculator at home for personal weight loss goals, keep the following things in mind.
Regular workouts, a proper diet, and a system of accountability are essential to your success, regardless of whether you're in the army or not.
Regular Workouts
You can't expect to trim your body fat percentage without putting in some sweat.
The army encourages active members to workout every day, and for recruits, runs and weight lifting are part of their overall army training. Once you make it in, though, it's up to you to stick to a routine.
Find the time and method of training that work best for you. Some soldiers love to run and boost their endurance while they maintain their body fat. Others will row for an hour or two straight to stay in shape.
Still, there is something all soldiers and civilians alike need to focus on for weight management: their diet.
Mindful Eating
Working out every day serves you little use if you're eating an unbalanced diet.
Just as there are various army weight standards for different genders and heights, there are different levels of necessary nutrients for each body type, too.
Take some time to educate yourself on what your body needs. It may not be the same as your PT classmate's or as the person who is your higher up.
You have to break down your macros and micronutrients to best understand what you should be eating.
Professional Support and Guidance
If you're worried you're going to fail the army tape test, be proactive about the issue. Go to your sergeant in command and say you need help preparing for the test, or at least reach out to a classmate.
They will offer you tools and guidance to get your body fat under control. These resources will be a mix of workout plans and dieting tips, as well as accountability and moral support.
After all, in the army, no one gets left behind, right?